Anise Pimpinella anisum Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Anise
Latin name: Pimpinella anisum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: anise, anise burnet saxifrage, aniseed. Deu.: Anis. Suom.: anisruoho, anis. Sven.: anis. Fran.: anis, anis vert.
It should be differentiated from the so-called star anise, Illicum verum Hooker f. (fam. Magnoliaceae). It contains oils of similar chemical composition and, therefore similar odor flavor, and utilization. It is a small evergreen tree or bush, native to China.
Anise-hyssop (Agastache foeniculum formerly Agastache anethiodora), is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family, native to the United States, which has a characteristic anise scent and flavor. Common names for this plant include Korean mint or anise mint.
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Apricot Kernel Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
Almond oil is full of vitamin E, and it’s a great source of magnesium, phosphorus, and copper. The antioxidant-rich oil is known for its free radical fighting abilities. It’s also anti-inflammatory and boosts immunity. Containing omega-3 fatty acids, almond oil might help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels and improve your memory. It may help lower your risk for diseases like cancer and heart disease.
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Apricot Kernel Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
Apricot kernel oil is very rich in oleic acid, which has emollient properties. It makes the skin soft, supple, and more radiant. Apricot kernel oil also contains linoleic acid (omega-6), which is essential, because the human body cannot synthesize it. It is known for the important role it plays in the structure of cell membranes. This oil reduces transepidermal water loss by restoring the hydrolipidic film. Apricot kernel oil has regenerative properties, acting as an excellent skin moisturizer and fighting against skin ageing. This oil can be added to massage and skincare products to add a touch of radiance to all skin types.
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Apricot Kernel Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
Apricot kernel oil is very rich in oleic acid, which has emollient properties. It makes the skin soft, supple, and more radiant. Apricot kernel oil also contains linoleic acid (omega-6), which is essential, because the human body cannot synthesize it. It is known for the important role it plays in the structure of cell membranes. This oil reduces transepidermal water loss by restoring the hydrolipidic film. Apricot kernel oil has regenerative properties, acting as an excellent skin moisturizer and fighting against skin ageing. This oil can be added to massage and skincare products to add a touch of radiance to all skin types.
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Basil Ocimum basilicum Dried Leaves in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Common names: basil, French basil, or sweet basil (English); basilic (French); basilikum, basilienkraut (German); tulsi (Indian); basilico (Italian); albahaca (Spanish); Raihan (Arabic).
Latin name: Ocimum basilicum L
Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Basil is cultivated commercially for its green, aromatic leaves, which are used fresh or dried as a flavoring or spice. The essential oil and oleoresin are extracted from the leaves and flowering tops via steam distillation and used in place of the dried leaves for flavoring purposes.
The common sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), with its several types and varieties, is an annual aromatic plant, widely grown because of its pleasant spicy odor and taste. There are large and dwarf types with green, purple, or variegated leaves, some of which are ornamental. Both the leaves and the essential oils distilled from the flowering plants are used as flavoring agents.
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Calendula officinalis Marigold Flowers in Carton Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Bright yellow and orange flowers, historically used for medicinal and culinary purposes, come from easy calendula care when growing this simple flower. Commonly called the pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) . Petals are used in cooking, and were used as yellow coloring in cheeses and butters in centuries past. When used in stews, broths and salads, these petals add a spicy taste similar to saffron to many dishes. All parts of calendula plants are useful in many ways. The plant is said to stimulate the immune system and is currently used as an ingredient in many cosmetics. Flowers and leaves of the calendula may be dried and stored for later use. In the vegetable garden, calendula draws aphids away from valuable plants. While uses of calendula plants are diverse, growing calendula in the flower or herb garden is an optimum use of this attractive plant. aa
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Camphor Infused Oil (Camphor essential oil infused in Carrier Oil)
Camphor infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Camphor or mixed with Camphor essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Camphor and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Camphor Infused Oil (Camphor essential oil infused in Carrier Oil)
Camphor infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Camphor or mixed with Camphor essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Camphor and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Camphor Infused Oil (Camphor essential oil infused in Carrier Oil)
Camphor infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Camphor or mixed with Camphor essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Camphor and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Caraway Seeds Carum carvi in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Caraway
Latin name: Carum carvi L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: caraway, annual caraway, caraway seed. Deu.: Kümmel, Gemeiner Kümmel, Wiesen-Kümmel. Suom.: kumina. Sven.: kummin. Fran.: anis des vosges, carvi, cumin des prés
Login to view pricesCaraway Seeds Carum carvi in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
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Celery dried leaves Apium graveolens Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Celery
Latin name: Apium graveolens L
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arabic: Karfas, Karafs; Czech: Celer; German: Sellerie, Eppich; English: Celeriac; French: Céleri ; Spanish: Apio; Swedish: Selleri
Apium graveolens L, the common celery, is a hapaxanthic herb, grown as a biennial and, unde certain conditions, as an annual.
From the beet-like tap-root (the uppermost part being a shoot) with its fibrous sideroots rises an aerial stem, 2 to 3 ft. high, branched and leafy, which bears compound umbels of small white flowers. The small fruit (or seed, as it is called commercially) consists of an ovate, dark brown cremocarp.
Possessing a characteristic, agreeable odor and a warm, aromatic, somewhat pungent taste, it is employed as condiment in the flavoring of food products. The seed also serves as birds’ food. The volatile or essential oil distilled from celery seed is used extensively for flavoring purposes.
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Celery Seed Apium graveolens Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Celery
Latin name: Apium graveolens L
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arabic: Karfas, Karafs; Czech: Celer; German: Sellerie, Eppich; English: Celeriac; French: Céleri ; Spanish: Apio; Swedish: Selleri
Apium graveolens L, the common celery, is a hapaxanthic herb, grown as a biennial and, unde certain conditions, as an annual.
From the beet-like tap-root (the uppermost part being a shoot) with its fibrous sideroots rises an aerial stem, 2 to 3 ft. high, branched and leafy, which bears compound umbels of small white flowers. The small fruit (or seed, as it is called commercially) consists of an ovate, dark brown cremocarp.
Possessing a characteristic, agreeable odor and a warm, aromatic, somewhat pungent taste, it is employed as condiment in the flavoring of food products. The seed also serves as birds’ food. The volatile or essential oil distilled from celery seed is used extensively for flavoring purposes.
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