Parsley Petroselinum crispum Essential Oil (Seed & Herb)
Common name: Parsley
Latin name: Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: garden parsley, parsley, common parsley, curled parsley, moss curled parsley. Deu.: Petersilie, Suppenwurzel. Suom.: persilja. Sven.: persilja, bladpersilja, kruspersilja, rotpersilja, slätbladig persilja. Bot. syn.: Apium petroselinum L., Carum petroselinum Benth. & Hook. f., Petroselinum hortense auct., Petroselinum sativum Hoffm., Petroselinum tuberosum Bernh. ex Rchb., Petroselinum vulgare Lagasca.
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Violet Viola odorata Absolute Oil
Common name: VIOLET
Latin name: Viola odorata L.
Family: Violaceae
Other names: Engl.: sweet violet, blue violet, English violet, garden violet, purple violet, sweet-scented violet, violet. Deu.: Mنrzveilchen, Wohlriechendes Veilchen, Veilchen. Suom.: tuoksuorvokki. Sven.: doftviol, luktviol. Fran.: violette.
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Geranium Pelargonium graveolens Essential Oil
Common name: Geranium
Latin name: Pelargonium graveolens L.
Family: Geraniaceae
Other names: Engl.: old fashion rose geranium, sweet scented geranium, lemon-scented geranium, rose geranium, rose-scent geranium. Deu.: Rosengeranie, Zitronen-Geranie. Suom.: palsamipelargoni
A lot of confusion exists today with the species Pelargonium, as to which variety applies to what origin. The classification of these species is made more difficult by the hybridization of garden species that leave us with numerous varieties. For example, Pelargomium graveolen, P. roseum, P. cpitatum, P. odoratissimu, P. fragrans, and P. terebinthinaceum have been stated as the source of Geranium oil.
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Basil Ocimum basilicum Essential Oil (Linalol & Methyl Chavicol types)
The world market for basil oil is dominated by two main types, the European and Egyptian basil oils.
- The European sweet basil, cultivated and distilled in Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the United States is considered to be of the highest quality, producing the finest odor. Characteristically, the essential oil from this basil contains high concentrations of linalool and methylchavicol (estragole), at a ratio of 2 or 3:1. Other constituents found in low concentrations include: 1,8-cineole, eugenol, alpha-terpeniol, beta-caryophyllene, geraniol, sabinene, alpha-phellandrene, gamma-terpinene, thujone, myrcene, limonene, ocimene, and para-cymene.
- The Egyptian basil oil is very similar to the European but with a higher concentration and ratio of methylchavicol relative to linalool.
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Jasmine Jasminum officinale Absolute Oil
Common name: Jasmine
Latin name: Jasminum officinale L.
Family: Oleaceae
Other names: Arab.: Yasmin or Ysmyn (Origin of Jasmine name); Engl.:Common White Jasmine, Poet’s Jasmine, Persian: Jessamine, Sp.: jazmin China: Yeh Hsi Ming Botan.: Jasminum grandiflorum, Jasminum officinale var. grandiflorum.
Two types of jasmine are used for the extraction of oil. Some botanists describe them as two distinct species: J. grandiflorum and J. officinale, while others consider J. grandiflorum to be a variety of officinale. The oil of the two flowers is virtually identical.
Poet’s jasmine: (White Jasmine) Jasminum officinale L.
Royal jasmine: (Catalonian and Spanish jasmine) Jasminum grandiflorum L.
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Rose Oil (Egypt & India)
Common name: Provence Rose
Latin name: Rosa centifolia L.
Family: Rosaceae
Other names: Engl.: cabbage rose, hundred-leaved rose, pale rose. Cabbage Rose [P,B,H,E], Franse Roos [D], French Rose [B,P,E], Gul [E], Gula Bagh [E], Gulab [E], Hundred-leaved Rose [H], Provence Rose [E], Red Provins Rose [H], Rosa Centofoglie [E], Rose [E], Rosier Gallique [E], Ward Juri Berri [E] Deu.: Zentifolie. Suom.: kartanoruusu. Pharm.: attar of rose, flores rosarum incarnatarum, otto of rose. Bot. Syn.: Rosa provincialis (non J.Herrm.), Rosa gallica centifolia ((L.)Regel.), R. centifolia var. cristata[B,P] R. centifolia var. muscosa[B,P] R. gallica[B,DUTCH,E,G,H,HORTIPLEX,P] R. gallica var. conditorum[G] R. gallica var. officinalis[G] R. gallica var. versicolor[G]
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Cumin Seeds Cuminum cyminum Essential Oil
Latin name: Cuminum cyminum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other Names: Engl.: cumin, green cumin, jeera, white cumin. Deu.: Kreuzkümmel, Mutterkümmel, Römischer Kümmel, Weisser Kreuzkümmel. Suom.: roomankumina, juustokumina, maitokumina. Sven.: spiskummin, romersk kummin, vit kummin. Fran.: cumin. Span.: comino. Bot. syn.: Cuminum odorum Salisb Cumin, Cuminum cyminum L., also known as Cuminum odorum Salisb
Cuminum cyminum L. is a slender, rather pretty annual growing to a height of 1 ft. or less and bearing very finely divided leaves. The aromatic, dried ripe fruits (seeds) are of elongated, oval shape, about 5 to 6 mm long, and light brown in color.
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Tagette Marigold Tagetes minuta Essential Oil
Common name: Mexican Marigold
Latin name: Tagetes minuta L.
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Other names: English: Aztec marigold, dwarf marigold, khaki-bush, Mexican marigold, Muster John Henry, stinking-Roger, stinkweed, wild marigold; Spanish: chinchilla enana; Hawai‘I: ‘ōkole‘oi‘oi; Bot. syn.: Tagetes glandulifera Schrank.
The common term “marigold” embraces a diversity of plants with golden flowers, most of which belong to the family Compositae. Prominent among the marigolds are various species of Tagetes.
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Garlic Allium Sativum Essential Oil
Common name: Garlic
Latin name: Allium sativum L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garlic, English garlic, poor man’s treacle. Deu.: Knoblauch, Alterswurzel, Knobloch, Knofel, Stinkerzwiebel. Suom.: valkosipuli. Sven.: vitlök. Fran.: ail, ail blanc, ail cultivé. Span.: ajo.
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Onion Allium cepa Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Onion
Latin name: Allium cepa L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garden onion, common onion, onion, shallot. Arabic: Basal. Deu.: Zwiebel. Suom.: ruokasipuli, hillosipuli, kepasipuli, punasipuli, ryvässipuli, tavallinen sipuli, vihersipuli. Sven.: matlök, gullök, potatislök, rödlök, syltlök. Fran.: oignon
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Peppermint Mentha Piperita Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Peppermint
Latin name: Mentha x piperita L.,
Family: Lamiaceae
Other names: Engl.: peppermint, black peppermint, chocolate mint. Deu.: Pfefferminze. Suom.: piparminttu. Sven.: pepparmynta. Fran.: menthe poivrée. Bot. syn.: Mentha aquatica L. x spicata L., Mentha dumetorum Schultes.
Peppermint is a sterile hybrid derived from a cross between Mentha aquatica and M. spicata.
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Neroli Citrus aurantium Flower Essential Oil
Common name: Bitter Orange
Latin name: Citrus aurantium L.
Family: Rutaceae.
Other names: Engl.: bitter orange, sour orange, bigarade, bigarade orange, Seville orange. Deu.: Bitterorange, Bittere Orange, Pomeranze. Suom.: pomeranssi, hapanappelsiini. Sven.: pomerans. Fran.: bigarade, bigardier, oranger amer. Span.: naranja agria, naranja amarga. Pharm.: aurantii amari cortex, aurantii flores , folia aurantii, fructus aurantii, oil of neroli, oil of petit-grain, oleum neroli. Bot. syn.: Citrus amara Link, Citrus aurantium L. var. amara L., Citrus bigaradia Duhamel, Citrus bigarradia Loisel., Citrus vulgaris Risso.
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