Celery Seed Apium graveolens Essential Oil
Common name: Celery
Latin name: Apium graveolens L
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arabic: Karfas, Karafs; Czech: Celer; German: Sellerie, Eppich; English: Celeriac; French: Céleri ; Spanish: Apio; Swedish: Selleri
Apium graveolens L, the common celery, is a hapaxanthic herb, grown as a biennial and, unde certain conditions, as an annual.
From the beet-like tap-root (the uppermost part being a shoot) with its fibrous sideroots rises an aerial stem, 2 to 3 ft. high, branched and leafy, which bears compound umbels of small white flowers. The small fruit (or seed, as it is called commercially) consists of an ovate, dark brown cremocarp.
Possessing a characteristic, agreeable odor and a warm, aromatic, somewhat pungent taste, it is employed as condiment in the flavoring of food products. The seed also serves as birds’ food. The volatile or essential oil distilled from celery seed is used extensively for flavoring purposes.
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Clove buds Infused Oil (Clove buds or essential oil infused in Carrier Oil)
Clove bud infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Clove bud or mixed with Clove bud essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Clove bud and is suitable for direct use for consumer
Login to view pricesClove buds Infused Oil (Clove buds or essential oil infused in Carrier Oil)
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Coconut Oil Cocos nucifera
Coconut oil comes from the nut (fruit) of the coconut palm. The oil of the nut is used to make medicine. Some coconut oil products are referred to as “virgin” coconut oil. Unlike olive oil, there is no industry standard for the meaning of “virgin” coconut oil. The term has come to mean that the oil is generally unprocessed. For example, virgin coconut oil usually has not been bleached, deodorized, or refined.
In recent years, the popularity of coconut and particularly coconut oil has soared because of touted health benefits. Fueling the coconut oil trend, celebrity endorsements have claimed the ingredient to help blast away belly fat, curb appetite, strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease, and stave off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A survey found that 72% of Americans rated coconut oil as “healthy,” though only 37% of nutrition experts agreed. [1] Coconut oil is popular in several trending diets including ketogenic and Paleo diets.
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Coconut Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Pack
Coconut oil comes from the nut (fruit) of the coconut palm. The oil of the nut is used to make medicine. Some coconut oil products are referred to as “virgin” coconut oil. Unlike olive oil, there is no industry standard for the meaning of “virgin” coconut oil. The term has come to mean that the oil is generally unprocessed. For example, virgin coconut oil usually has not been bleached, deodorized, or refined.
Some coconut oil products claim to be “cold pressed” coconut oil. This generally means that a mechanical method of pressing out the oil is used, but without the use of any outside heat source. The high pressure needed to press out the oil generates some heat naturally, but the temperature is controlled so that temperatures do not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
People use coconut oil for eczema (atopic dermatitis). It is also used for scaly, itchy skin (psoriasis), obesity, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.
How does it work ?
Coconut oil contains a certain kind of fat known as “medium chain triglycerides.” Some of these fats work differently than other types of saturated fat in the body. When applied to the skin, coconut oil has a moisturizing effect.Login to view prices -
Coriander Coriandrum sativum Essential Oil (Seed & Herb)
Common name: Coriander.
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arab: kuzbara, kuzbura; Armenian:chamem; Chinese: yuan sui, hu sui; Czech: koriandr; Danish: koriander; Dutch: koriander; English: coriander, collender, chinese parsley; Ethiopian: (Amharic) dembilal; French: coriandre, persil arabe; Georgian (Caucasus): kinza, kindza, kindz; German: Koriander, Wanzendill, Schwindelkorn; Greek: koriannon, korion; Hindi: dhania, dhanya; Hungarian: coriander; Italian: coriandolo; Japanese: koendoro; Malay: ketumbar; Persian: geshnes; Polish: kolendra; Portugese: coentro; Rumanian: coriándru; Russian: koriandr, koljandra, kišnec, kinza, vonjučee zel’e, klopovnik; Sanskrit: dhanayaka, kusthumbari; Serbokroatian: korijander; Spanish: coriandro, cilantro, cilandrio, culantro; Swiss: Chrapfechِörnli, Böِbberli, Rügelikümmi; Turkish: kişniş
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Cumin Seeds Cuminum cyminum Essential Oil
Latin name: Cuminum cyminum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other Names: Engl.: cumin, green cumin, jeera, white cumin. Deu.: Kreuzkümmel, Mutterkümmel, Römischer Kümmel, Weisser Kreuzkümmel. Suom.: roomankumina, juustokumina, maitokumina. Sven.: spiskummin, romersk kummin, vit kummin. Fran.: cumin. Span.: comino. Bot. syn.: Cuminum odorum Salisb Cumin, Cuminum cyminum L., also known as Cuminum odorum Salisb
Cuminum cyminum L. is a slender, rather pretty annual growing to a height of 1 ft. or less and bearing very finely divided leaves. The aromatic, dried ripe fruits (seeds) are of elongated, oval shape, about 5 to 6 mm long, and light brown in color.
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Cumin Seeds Infused Oil Cumin seed or oil infused in Carrier Oil
Cumin seeds infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Cumin seeds or mixed with Cumin seeds essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Cumin seeds and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Dill Herb Anethum graveolens Essential Oil
Common name: Dill
Latin name: Anethum graveolens L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: dill. Deu.: Dill, Gurkenkraut. Suom.: tilli. Sven.: dill. Fran.: aneth, faux anis, fenouil bâtard. Bot. syn.: Anethum sowa Roxb. ex Flem., Peucedanum graveolens (L.) Benth. & Hook. f., Peucedanum graveolens Hiern., Peucedanum sowa Roxb. ex Flem..
Dill is a hapaxanthic annual herb very similar in appearance and structure to fennel, that reaches a height of 3 to 4 ft (0.9 – 1.2 m) at maturity. It has finely cut ferny leaves that appear quite feathery, and small, yellowish-green flowers are borne in umbels. The plant usually consists of a single stalk, with hollow stems and blue-green foliage.
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Dill Infused Oil Dill herb, seed or oil infused in Carrier Oil
Dill infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Dill or mixed with dill essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Dill and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Egyptian Black Seed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Pack
Black seed is a plant. People have used the seed to make medicine for over 2000 years. It was even discovered in the tomb of King Tut.
Historically, black seed and its oil has been used for headache, toothache, nasal congestion, asthma, arthritis, and intestinal worms. It has also been used for “pink eye” (conjunctivitis), pockets of infection (abscesses), and parasites.
Today, black seed and its oil is most commonly used for asthma, diabetes, hypertension, weight loss, and other conditionsLogin to view prices -
Egyptian Carrot Seed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Pack
100% Pure and natural Carrot Seed Oil: Our product carrot seed oil, a potent ingredient used for moisturizing and nourishing hair and skin. Antioxidants rich carrot oil leaves your skin refreshed, detoxified and conditioned.
REVIVES HAIR: Get fuller, thicker and luscious hair by just massaging our carrot oil blend on your scalp or mixing it in your shampoo and conditioner. Carrot seed oil organic penetrates deep down your hair shaft and scalp, encourages hair growth and makes your hair softer, smoother and manageable.
SOOTHES SKIN: Carrot oil cold pressed consists of the naturally occurring vitamins and beta carotene that help protect the skin against sun damage and also smoothens the signs of ageing. Carrot seed oil for face eliminates toxins and dead skin cell built up from the skin. Soothes, heals and revives chapped skin.Login to view prices -
Fennel Seeds Foeniculum vulgare Essential Oil
Common name: Fennel
Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare Miller.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: fennel, bitter fennel, common fennel, garden fennel, wild fennel. Deu.: Fenchel, Gewürzfenchel. Suom.: maustevenkoli, salaattifenkoli, saksankumina, venkoli. Sven.: fänkål, besk fänkål, bitter fänkål, kryddfänkål, tysk fänkål, vanlig fänkål. Fran.: fenouil. Bot. syn.: Anethum foeniculum L., Foeniculum capillaceum Gilib., Foeniculum dulce Mill., Foeniculum foeniculum (L.) Karst., Foeniculum officinale All., Foeniculum panmoricum DC., Foeniculum piperitum (Ucria) C. Presl., Foeniculum vulgare Gaertn., Meum foeniculum Spreng.
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