Anise Pimpinella anisum Essential Oil
Common name: Anise
Latin name: Pimpinella anisum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: anise, anise burnet saxifrage, aniseed. Deu.: Anis. Suom.: anisruoho, anis. Sven.: anis. Fran.: anis, anis vert.
It should be differentiated from the so-called star anise, Illicum verum Hooker f. (fam. Magnoliaceae). It contains oils of similar chemical composition and, therefore similar odor flavor, and utilization. It is a small evergreen tree or bush, native to China.
Anise oil is sometimes adulterated with star anise oil, fennel oil, or synthetic anethole.
Anise-hyssop (Agastache foeniculum formerly Agastache anethiodora), is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family, native to the United States, which has a characteristic anise scent and flavor. Common names for this plant include Korean mint or anise mint.
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