Best Seller Items
Peppermint Mentha Piperita Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Peppermint
Latin name: Mentha x piperita L.,
Family: Lamiaceae
Other names: Engl.: peppermint, black peppermint, chocolate mint. Deu.: Pfefferminze. Suom.: piparminttu. Sven.: pepparmynta. Fran.: menthe poivrée. Bot. syn.: Mentha aquatica L. x spicata L., Mentha dumetorum Schultes.
Peppermint is a sterile hybrid derived from a cross between Mentha aquatica and M. spicata.
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Onion Allium cepa Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Onion
Latin name: Allium cepa L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garden onion, common onion, onion, shallot. Arabic: Basal. Deu.: Zwiebel. Suom.: ruokasipuli, hillosipuli, kepasipuli, punasipuli, ryvässipuli, tavallinen sipuli, vihersipuli. Sven.: matlök, gullök, potatislök, rödlök, syltlök. Fran.: oignon
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Garlic Allium Sativum Essential Oil
Common name: Garlic
Latin name: Allium sativum L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garlic, English garlic, poor man’s treacle. Deu.: Knoblauch, Alterswurzel, Knobloch, Knofel, Stinkerzwiebel. Suom.: valkosipuli. Sven.: vitlök. Fran.: ail, ail blanc, ail cultivé. Span.: ajo.
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Tagette Marigold Tagetes minuta Essential Oil
Common name: Mexican Marigold
Latin name: Tagetes minuta L.
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Other names: English: Aztec marigold, dwarf marigold, khaki-bush, Mexican marigold, Muster John Henry, stinking-Roger, stinkweed, wild marigold; Spanish: chinchilla enana; Hawai‘I: ‘ōkole‘oi‘oi; Bot. syn.: Tagetes glandulifera Schrank.
The common term “marigold” embraces a diversity of plants with golden flowers, most of which belong to the family Compositae. Prominent among the marigolds are various species of Tagetes.
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Cumin Seeds Cuminum cyminum Essential Oil
Latin name: Cuminum cyminum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other Names: Engl.: cumin, green cumin, jeera, white cumin. Deu.: Kreuzkümmel, Mutterkümmel, Römischer Kümmel, Weisser Kreuzkümmel. Suom.: roomankumina, juustokumina, maitokumina. Sven.: spiskummin, romersk kummin, vit kummin. Fran.: cumin. Span.: comino. Bot. syn.: Cuminum odorum Salisb Cumin, Cuminum cyminum L., also known as Cuminum odorum Salisb
Cuminum cyminum L. is a slender, rather pretty annual growing to a height of 1 ft. or less and bearing very finely divided leaves. The aromatic, dried ripe fruits (seeds) are of elongated, oval shape, about 5 to 6 mm long, and light brown in color.
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Neroli Citrus aurantium Flower Essential Oil
Common name: Bitter Orange
Latin name: Citrus aurantium L.
Family: Rutaceae.
Other names: Engl.: bitter orange, sour orange, bigarade, bigarade orange, Seville orange. Deu.: Bitterorange, Bittere Orange, Pomeranze. Suom.: pomeranssi, hapanappelsiini. Sven.: pomerans. Fran.: bigarade, bigardier, oranger amer. Span.: naranja agria, naranja amarga. Pharm.: aurantii amari cortex, aurantii flores , folia aurantii, fructus aurantii, oil of neroli, oil of petit-grain, oleum neroli. Bot. syn.: Citrus amara Link, Citrus aurantium L. var. amara L., Citrus bigaradia Duhamel, Citrus bigarradia Loisel., Citrus vulgaris Risso.
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Body Cream (6)
energy captures (10)
eye care (5)
floral-waters (11)
Food supplements (125)
Herbal Bag (3)
Lip care (3)
Natural Aroma Oils (74)
Natural soap (2)
Natural-cosmetics (236)
Scrubs (5)
Shower Gels (3)
Sun products (1)
Herbal Products (70)
Natural Care & Cosmetics (123)
Food & Herbal Supplements (188)
Other Raw Materials (16)
Uncategorized (18)
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Parsley Herb Infused Oil Parsley Herb or essential oil infused in Carrier Oil
Over the years, parsley has been used to treat conditions like high blood pressure, allergies, and inflammatory diseases. Often labeled as one of the most powerful disease-fighting plants, parsley provides great nutritional value and offers many potential health benefits. Parsley is also a great source of vitamins A and C — important nutrients with antioxidant properties Additionally, it’s very low in calories yet packed with flavor, making it a great low-calorie ingredient for many recipes.
Login to view pricesParsley Herb Infused Oil Parsley Herb or essential oil infused in Carrier Oil
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Sesame Seed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
Sesame oil (Gingelly oil, Teel oil) is obtained by refining the expressed or extracted oil from the seeds of Sesamum indicum L. (Pedaliaceae), a herb which is widely cultivated in Middle East, India, China, Japan and many tropical countries. The oil is official in the EP and BP.
The seeds contain about 50% of fixed oil which closely resembles olive oil in its properties and which it has, in some measure, replaced. It is a pale yellow, bland oil which on cooling to about −4°C solidifies to a buttery mass; it has a saponification value the same as that for olive oil and a somewhat higher iodine value (104–120).
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Tea Tree Infused Oil (Natural Tea Tree herbs or oil infused in Carrier Oil)
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Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Grape seed or mixed with Grape seed essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Grape seed and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Egyptian Rocket Seed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Pack
NATURAL BENEFITS – Rocket Seed Oil contains high levels of nutrients that can help improve overall health, but especially our skin, hair, and scalp health. Watercress Oil is packed with antioxidants that can help soothe skin problems.
SKIN HEALTH – Rocket Oil contains soothing properties that can help calm skin when applied. For skin that requires a gentler approach will find that Rocket seed Oil, when used correctly, will comfort skin like no other oil can. Rocket seed Oil is also rich in beta-carotene that helps skin look fresh and youthful.
YOUTHFUL SKIN – Rocket Seed Oil is rich in many vitamins and minerals that keeps skin moisturized and looking youthful. Rocket Seed Oil hydrates the skin for softer, more supple appearance.
HAIR HEALTH – Use Rocket Seed Oil in the hair by massaging it into hair and scalp. Rocket Seed Oil can benefit the scalp by maintaining moisture and promoting good scalp health for healthier hair. Rocket Seed Oil Oil can also be used on hair as a conditioner for smoother, silkier hair.Login to view prices -
Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Grape seed or mixed with Grape seed essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Grape seed and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Jasmine Infused Oil (Natural Jasmine oil or flowers infused in Carrier Oil)
Jasmine infused Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Jasmine essential oil or flowers. The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Jasmine essential oil or flowers and is suitable for direct use for consumer without lot of precautions like concentrated Jasmine essential oils
Please read full details and benefits of Jasmine infused Oil Below
Login to view pricesJasmine Infused Oil (Natural Jasmine oil or flowers infused in Carrier Oil)
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Sesame Seed Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
Sesame oil (Gingelly oil, Teel oil) is obtained by refining the expressed or extracted oil from the seeds of Sesamum indicum L. (Pedaliaceae), a herb which is widely cultivated in Middle East, India, China, Japan and many tropical countries. The oil is official in the EP and BP.
The seeds contain about 50% of fixed oil which closely resembles olive oil in its properties and which it has, in some measure, replaced. It is a pale yellow, bland oil which on cooling to about −4°C solidifies to a buttery mass; it has a saponification value the same as that for olive oil and a somewhat higher iodine value (104–120).
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Wheat Germ Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
“Wheat germ (WG) is widely recognised as a nutritious raw material for incorporation into food product formulations or as a food in its own right. Typical applications are in germ-enriched bread, snack foods, and supplements to breakfast cereals, and for production of wheat-germ oil. Wheat germ, containing about 8% – 14% oil (average 10%), is mainly used in food, medical and cosmetic industries as a source of oil,” as stated in a research paper done by Faculty of Agriculture of Fayoum University, Egypt.
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