Best Seller Items
Peppermint Mentha Piperita Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Peppermint
Latin name: Mentha x piperita L.,
Family: Lamiaceae
Other names: Engl.: peppermint, black peppermint, chocolate mint. Deu.: Pfefferminze. Suom.: piparminttu. Sven.: pepparmynta. Fran.: menthe poivrée. Bot. syn.: Mentha aquatica L. x spicata L., Mentha dumetorum Schultes.
Peppermint is a sterile hybrid derived from a cross between Mentha aquatica and M. spicata.
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Onion Allium cepa Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Onion
Latin name: Allium cepa L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garden onion, common onion, onion, shallot. Arabic: Basal. Deu.: Zwiebel. Suom.: ruokasipuli, hillosipuli, kepasipuli, punasipuli, ryvässipuli, tavallinen sipuli, vihersipuli. Sven.: matlök, gullök, potatislök, rödlök, syltlök. Fran.: oignon
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Garlic Allium Sativum Essential Oil
Common name: Garlic
Latin name: Allium sativum L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garlic, English garlic, poor man’s treacle. Deu.: Knoblauch, Alterswurzel, Knobloch, Knofel, Stinkerzwiebel. Suom.: valkosipuli. Sven.: vitlök. Fran.: ail, ail blanc, ail cultivé. Span.: ajo.
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Tagette Marigold Tagetes minuta Essential Oil
Common name: Mexican Marigold
Latin name: Tagetes minuta L.
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Other names: English: Aztec marigold, dwarf marigold, khaki-bush, Mexican marigold, Muster John Henry, stinking-Roger, stinkweed, wild marigold; Spanish: chinchilla enana; Hawai‘I: ‘ōkole‘oi‘oi; Bot. syn.: Tagetes glandulifera Schrank.
The common term “marigold” embraces a diversity of plants with golden flowers, most of which belong to the family Compositae. Prominent among the marigolds are various species of Tagetes.
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Cumin Seeds Cuminum cyminum Essential Oil
Latin name: Cuminum cyminum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other Names: Engl.: cumin, green cumin, jeera, white cumin. Deu.: Kreuzkümmel, Mutterkümmel, Römischer Kümmel, Weisser Kreuzkümmel. Suom.: roomankumina, juustokumina, maitokumina. Sven.: spiskummin, romersk kummin, vit kummin. Fran.: cumin. Span.: comino. Bot. syn.: Cuminum odorum Salisb Cumin, Cuminum cyminum L., also known as Cuminum odorum Salisb
Cuminum cyminum L. is a slender, rather pretty annual growing to a height of 1 ft. or less and bearing very finely divided leaves. The aromatic, dried ripe fruits (seeds) are of elongated, oval shape, about 5 to 6 mm long, and light brown in color.
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Neroli Citrus aurantium Flower Essential Oil
Common name: Bitter Orange
Latin name: Citrus aurantium L.
Family: Rutaceae.
Other names: Engl.: bitter orange, sour orange, bigarade, bigarade orange, Seville orange. Deu.: Bitterorange, Bittere Orange, Pomeranze. Suom.: pomeranssi, hapanappelsiini. Sven.: pomerans. Fran.: bigarade, bigardier, oranger amer. Span.: naranja agria, naranja amarga. Pharm.: aurantii amari cortex, aurantii flores , folia aurantii, fructus aurantii, oil of neroli, oil of petit-grain, oleum neroli. Bot. syn.: Citrus amara Link, Citrus aurantium L. var. amara L., Citrus bigaradia Duhamel, Citrus bigarradia Loisel., Citrus vulgaris Risso.
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Goats Milk Soap
Goat’s Milk has been used as a cleanser for centuries. An excellent skin emollient,and nutrient due to its high content of liposome
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Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Grape seed or mixed with Grape seed essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Grape seed and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Grape seed or mixed with Grape seed essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Grape seed and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Grape Seed Oil
Grape seed Oil, consists of a carrier oil that has been permeated (“infused”) with Grape seed or mixed with Grape seed essential oil . The benefit to using an infused oil as opposed to a plain carrier oil is that the infused oil will contain the properties of both the carrier oil and Grape seed and is suitable for direct use for consumer
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Hand Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizer with 99.9% ethyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera gel, lavender essential oil, and vitamin E
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Hand Sanitizer 100 Ml
Hand Sanitizer with 99.9% ethyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera gel, lavender essential oil, and vitamin E
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Heal Lip Balm
A repairing, ultra nourishing treatment for your lips. Damaged lips will be instantly soothed with this geranium and peppermint oil infused lip balm.
Size: 15g
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Hibiscus sabdariffa Flowers Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
A tea made from hibiscus flowers is known by many names around the world and is served both hot and cold. The beverage is known for its red colour, tart flavour, and vitamin C content.
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Horus Eye olive oil soap
A traditional Castile recipe. Remarkably mild, gentle, lathers quickly into creamy bubbles. The Olive oil Soap Bar moisturizes and nourishes hair and body. Ideal for all hair and skin types. Olive oil prevents the loss of your skin‘s natural moisture, softens skin and attracts external moisture to your skin. It helps keeps your skin soft, supple and younger looking.
Ingredients: Extra virgin Olive Oil, Lye, distilled water, cold process.Login to view prices -
Horus Eye Soap
Horus Eye olive oil soap
A traditional Castile recipe. Remarkably mild, gentle, lathers quickly into creamy bubbles. The Olive oil Soap Bar moisturizes and nourishes hair and body. Ideal for all hair and skin types. Olive oil prevents the loss of your skin‘s natural moisture, softens skin and attracts external moisture to your skin. It helps keeps your skin soft, supple and younger looking.
Ingredients: Extra virgin Olive Oil, Lye, distilled water, cold process.Login to view prices -
Jasmine Body Cream
Jasmine Moisturizing Body Cream 200 gr
100% Pure & NaturalMethod of use: A luxurious aromatherapy body cream that moisturizes, nourishes, and
tones your skin with a serene effect on your mood.
Ingredients: Jasmine grandiflorum absolute, water, glycerin and jojoba oil.
Directions: Use daily, apply a generous amount and massage
Skin Type: All skin types.
Safety: Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact, rinse with water.Login to view prices -
Jasmine Energy Capture 60 ml
Body Aroma with jasmine
Enjoy this 100% natural exotic, floral blend from the King of the Flowers. Jasmine has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries.
This blend may be good for skin and helps relieve muscle aches and pains.
Directions: Start your experience by deeply breathing in the aroma. Use as an all-over body moisturizer or as an aromatherapy boost throughout the day by applying to pulse points. Massage few drops onto damp skin after the shower or bath to help seal in moisture. Add two tablespoons to bath water for more hydrated, softer skin. Also, can be used for body massage.
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