Best Seller Items
Peppermint Mentha Piperita Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Peppermint
Latin name: Mentha x piperita L.,
Family: Lamiaceae
Other names: Engl.: peppermint, black peppermint, chocolate mint. Deu.: Pfefferminze. Suom.: piparminttu. Sven.: pepparmynta. Fran.: menthe poivrée. Bot. syn.: Mentha aquatica L. x spicata L., Mentha dumetorum Schultes.
Peppermint is a sterile hybrid derived from a cross between Mentha aquatica and M. spicata.
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Onion Allium cepa Essential Oil (Egypt & China)
Common name: Onion
Latin name: Allium cepa L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garden onion, common onion, onion, shallot. Arabic: Basal. Deu.: Zwiebel. Suom.: ruokasipuli, hillosipuli, kepasipuli, punasipuli, ryvässipuli, tavallinen sipuli, vihersipuli. Sven.: matlök, gullök, potatislök, rödlök, syltlök. Fran.: oignon
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Garlic Allium Sativum Essential Oil
Common name: Garlic
Latin name: Allium sativum L.
Family: Liliaceae
Other names: Engl.: garlic, English garlic, poor man’s treacle. Deu.: Knoblauch, Alterswurzel, Knobloch, Knofel, Stinkerzwiebel. Suom.: valkosipuli. Sven.: vitlök. Fran.: ail, ail blanc, ail cultivé. Span.: ajo.
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Tagette Marigold Tagetes minuta Essential Oil
Common name: Mexican Marigold
Latin name: Tagetes minuta L.
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Other names: English: Aztec marigold, dwarf marigold, khaki-bush, Mexican marigold, Muster John Henry, stinking-Roger, stinkweed, wild marigold; Spanish: chinchilla enana; Hawai‘I: ‘ōkole‘oi‘oi; Bot. syn.: Tagetes glandulifera Schrank.
The common term “marigold” embraces a diversity of plants with golden flowers, most of which belong to the family Compositae. Prominent among the marigolds are various species of Tagetes.
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Cumin Seeds Cuminum cyminum Essential Oil
Latin name: Cuminum cyminum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other Names: Engl.: cumin, green cumin, jeera, white cumin. Deu.: Kreuzkümmel, Mutterkümmel, Römischer Kümmel, Weisser Kreuzkümmel. Suom.: roomankumina, juustokumina, maitokumina. Sven.: spiskummin, romersk kummin, vit kummin. Fran.: cumin. Span.: comino. Bot. syn.: Cuminum odorum Salisb Cumin, Cuminum cyminum L., also known as Cuminum odorum Salisb
Cuminum cyminum L. is a slender, rather pretty annual growing to a height of 1 ft. or less and bearing very finely divided leaves. The aromatic, dried ripe fruits (seeds) are of elongated, oval shape, about 5 to 6 mm long, and light brown in color.
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Neroli Citrus aurantium Flower Essential Oil
Common name: Bitter Orange
Latin name: Citrus aurantium L.
Family: Rutaceae.
Other names: Engl.: bitter orange, sour orange, bigarade, bigarade orange, Seville orange. Deu.: Bitterorange, Bittere Orange, Pomeranze. Suom.: pomeranssi, hapanappelsiini. Sven.: pomerans. Fran.: bigarade, bigardier, oranger amer. Span.: naranja agria, naranja amarga. Pharm.: aurantii amari cortex, aurantii flores , folia aurantii, fructus aurantii, oil of neroli, oil of petit-grain, oleum neroli. Bot. syn.: Citrus amara Link, Citrus aurantium L. var. amara L., Citrus bigaradia Duhamel, Citrus bigarradia Loisel., Citrus vulgaris Risso.
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Rose Floral Water 250 ml
Floral water from the distillation of rose.
• Known to promote emotional balance.
• May be added to the bath to help promote relaxation and rejuvenation.
• Its humectant properties promote moisture retention for normal to dry, mature and dull skin.
• May be used as an aroma body spray.Skin Type: Normal, dry, sensitive, mature
Properties: Regenerative, moisture-retaining, cooling, mildly antiseptic and astringent, emotionally balancing
Indications: Wrinkles, mature skin, menopause, mood swings, emotional upsets, regenerative
Applications: Apply after washing face before using moisturizer; add to bath to relax; add to a cold compress to calm tired eyes
Directions: Spray on face and body or apply with cotton.Login to view prices -
Cozy Lavender
Gently cleanse and condition skin with our relaxing body wash infused with lavender oil.
For all skin types.
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Fresh Mint
Gently cleanse and condition skin with our refreshing and cooling body wash infused with peppermint oil.
For all skin types.
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Soft Vanilla
Gently cleanse and condition skin with our nourishing body wash infused with vanilla extract.
For all skin types.
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Neroli Floral Water 250 ml
Floral water from the distillation of neroli (orange flower blossom).
• Known to help calm without causing sleepiness.
• Good for relieving anxiety and hyperactivity.
• Astringent properties make it helpful in the treatment of delicate, sensitive, or oily skin.
• Affordable alternative to the pure neroli essential oil.
• May be used as an aroma body spray.Skin Type: Sensitive, oily, acne-prone; caution with
dry skin as it may be too astringentProperties: Astringent, mildly sedative and calming attributes, acne-prone, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, aids digestion
Indications: Anxiety, acne, shock
Applications: Facial toner for oily acne skin; spray on the scalp to help control oil; spray on face and chest to calm anxiety; add to hot or cold compress or spray-on the abdomen to calm an upset stomach
Directions: Spray on face and body or apply with cotton.
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Natural Kohl
Natural Kohl
It is a traditional Egyptian eye liner “KOHL“ in powder form made from 100% natural gum smug.
Packed in olive wood traditional container. 100% Natural with no additives.
This kohl is 100% lead free and 100% harmless to the eyes. In fact you don’t even need to remove it from the eyes before going to bed.
Does not cause allergy to eyes and it’s completely free from lead.
Ingredients: 100% Natural Frankincense gum soaked in Olive Oil, burnt and the smug is collected.Login to view prices -
Natural Kohl
Natural Kohl
It is a traditional Egyptian eye liner “KOHL“ in powder form made from 100% natural gum smug.
Packed in olive wood traditional container. 100% Natural with no additives.
This kohl is 100% lead free and 100% harmless to the eyes. In fact you don’t even need to remove it from the eyes before going to bed.
Does not cause allergy to eyes and it’s completely free from lead.
Ingredients: 100% Natural Frankincense gum soaked in Olive Oil, burnt and the smug is collected.Login to view prices -
Sesame Seed Sesamum indicum Oil Organic & Conventional
What is Sesame seed oil?
The sesame plant’s nutritional qualities have inspired some to dub its oil the “Queen of Oilseeds”. Belonging to the Pedaliaceae family, a group of plants harvested for their edible seeds, its scientific name is Sesamum indicum. Sesame oil is made from raw, pressed sesame seeds and has culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses.
Thanks to its antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties, it may benefit your heart, joints, skin, hair, and more. However, more research in humans is needed to investigate these potential effects. You can take advantage of the potential benefits of sesame oil by adding it to recipes and consuming it as part of a balanced diet.Why our Sesame Seed Oil is Super Quality?
- We select the seeds very carefully and do all tests required to guarantee the best quality oil
- We produce the oil with Cold press method which keeps all active ingredients safe without any damage
- We stock the production in very good conditions away from air and light that keep the oil safe and not affected
- We have all quality certificates like ISO, GMP, ORGANIC CERES, KOSHER, HALAL,…etc..
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Flax Seed Linum usitatissimum Oil Organic & Conventional
What is Flax seed oil?
Flax seeds are known for their many health benefits, which include providing a hearty dose of protein and fiber, reducing appetite and aiding in weight control. Given their stellar nutrient profile, it’s no wonder that flaxseed oil is also jam-packed with similar health benefits.
Flaxseed oil, also known as flax oil or linseed oil, is made from flax seeds that have been ground and pressed to release their natural oil. This health-promoting oil has a wide variety of uses, ranging from cooking to skin care.Why our Flax Seed Oil is Super Quality?
- We select the seeds very carefully and do all tests required to guarantee the best quality oil
- We produce the oil with Cold press method which keeps all active ingredients safe without any damage
- We stock the production in very good conditions away from air and light that keep the oil safe and not affected
- We have all quality certificates like ISO, GMP, ORGANIC CERES, KOSHER, HALAL,…etc..
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Geranium Energy Capture 60 ml
Body Aroma with geranium
Enjoy this 100% natural herbal, floral, balancing blend that has been known to help people who suffer from anxiety and remedy mood swings.Use of this blend may promote proper balance of natural oils, facilitate circulation, and enhance rejuvenation of the skin.
Directions: Start your experience by deeply breathing in the aroma. Use as an all-over body moisturizer or as an aromatherapy boost throughout the day by applying to pulse points. Massage few drops onto damp skin after the shower or bath to help seal in moisture. Add two tablespoons to bath water for more hydrated, softer skin. Also, can be used for body massage.
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Geranium Energy Capture 60 ml
Body Aroma with geranium
Enjoy this 100% natural herbal, floral, balancing blend that has been known to help people who suffer from anxiety and remedy mood swings.Use of this blend may promote proper balance of natural oils, facilitate circulation, and enhance rejuvenation of the skin.
Directions: Start your experience by deeply breathing in the aroma. Use as an all-over body moisturizer or as an aromatherapy boost throughout the day by applying to pulse points. Massage few drops onto damp skin after the shower or bath to help seal in moisture. Add two tablespoons to bath water for more hydrated, softer skin. Also, can be used for body massage.
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Apricot Kernel Oil Organic & Conventional Consumer Packs
Apricot kernel oil is very rich in oleic acid, which has emollient properties. It makes the skin soft, supple, and more radiant. Apricot kernel oil also contains linoleic acid (omega-6), which is essential, because the human body cannot synthesize it. It is known for the important role it plays in the structure of cell membranes. This oil reduces transepidermal water loss by restoring the hydrolipidic film. Apricot kernel oil has regenerative properties, acting as an excellent skin moisturizer and fighting against skin ageing. This oil can be added to massage and skincare products to add a touch of radiance to all skin types.
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