Herbaliza Herbs & Dried products
- Elmatariya,, Cairo, 11321, Egypt, Elmatariya, Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
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Dried Banana Musa acuminata Powder and Chips in Bulk
Dried bananas are very tasty and wonderful because the ever-present tastes of fresh bananas are concentrated in the dried bananas and increased.
Dried bananas are a true extract of minerals.Being rich in potassium is actually a great chance for athletes. And its abundant fiber is very useful for the small intestine work. Dried bananas are certainly high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in dried bananas come in two forms: simple carbohydrates (especially fructose) and complex carbohydrates (amidones). Dried bananas are a great evening treat for kids. It provides the energy they need, not the fat, unlike a chocolate bread which is full of fat and poor in minerals.
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Dried Banana Musa acuminata Powder and Chips in Bulk
Dried bananas are very tasty and wonderful because the ever-present tastes of fresh bananas are concentrated in the dried bananas and increased.
Dried bananas are a true extract of minerals.Being rich in potassium is actually a great chance for athletes. And its abundant fiber is very useful for the small intestine work. Dried bananas are certainly high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in dried bananas come in two forms: simple carbohydrates (especially fructose) and complex carbohydrates (amidones). Dried bananas are a great evening treat for kids. It provides the energy they need, not the fat, unlike a chocolate bread which is full of fat and poor in minerals.
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Dried Banana Musa acuminata Powder and Chips in Bulk
Dried bananas are very tasty and wonderful because the ever-present tastes of fresh bananas are concentrated in the dried bananas and increased.
Dried bananas are a true extract of minerals.Being rich in potassium is actually a great chance for athletes. And its abundant fiber is very useful for the small intestine work. Dried bananas are certainly high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in dried bananas come in two forms: simple carbohydrates (especially fructose) and complex carbohydrates (amidones). Dried bananas are a great evening treat for kids. It provides the energy they need, not the fat, unlike a chocolate bread which is full of fat and poor in minerals.
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Celery Seed Apium graveolens Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Celery
Latin name: Apium graveolens L
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arabic: Karfas, Karafs; Czech: Celer; German: Sellerie, Eppich; English: Celeriac; French: Céleri ; Spanish: Apio; Swedish: Selleri
Apium graveolens L, the common celery, is a hapaxanthic herb, grown as a biennial and, unde certain conditions, as an annual.
From the beet-like tap-root (the uppermost part being a shoot) with its fibrous sideroots rises an aerial stem, 2 to 3 ft. high, branched and leafy, which bears compound umbels of small white flowers. The small fruit (or seed, as it is called commercially) consists of an ovate, dark brown cremocarp.
Possessing a characteristic, agreeable odor and a warm, aromatic, somewhat pungent taste, it is employed as condiment in the flavoring of food products. The seed also serves as birds’ food. The volatile or essential oil distilled from celery seed is used extensively for flavoring purposes.
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Dehydrated Leek Allium ampeloprasum in bulk packaging
Leeks are widely known vegetables that have been used in local cuisine for hundreds of years. Their incredible properties make them a preferred ingredient for chefs and anybody trying to stick to a healthy diet. This superfood, in fact, contains high levels of flavonoids, vitamins A, E, and K, and fibers
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Coriander Coriandrum sativum Dried Leaves in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Coriander.
Latin name: Coriandrum sativum L.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Arab: kuzbara, kuzbura; Armenian:chamem; Chinese: yuan sui, hu sui; Czech: koriandr; Danish: koriander; Dutch: koriander; English: coriander, collender, chinese parsley; Ethiopian: (Amharic) dembilal; French: coriandre, persil arabe; Georgian (Caucasus): kinza, kindza, kindz; German: Koriander, Wanzendill, Schwindelkorn; Greek: koriannon, korion; Hindi: dhania, dhanya; Hungarian: coriander; Italian: coriandolo; Japanese: koendoro; Malay: ketumbar; Persian: geshnes; Polish: kolendra; Portugese: coentro; Rumanian: coriándru; Russian: koriandr, koljandra, kišnec, kinza, vonjučee zel’e, klopovnik; Sanskrit: dhanayaka, kusthumbari; Serbokroatian: korijander; Spanish: coriandro, cilantro, cilandrio, culantro; Swiss: Chrapfechِörnli, Böِbberli, Rügelikümmi; Turkish: kişniş
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Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Fennel
Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare Miller.
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: fennel, bitter fennel, common fennel, garden fennel, wild fennel. Deu.: Fenchel, Gewürzfenchel. Suom.: maustevenkoli, salaattifenkoli, saksankumina, venkoli. Sven.: fänkål, besk fänkål, bitter fänkål, kryddfänkål, tysk fänkål, vanlig fänkål. Fran.: fenouil. Bot. syn.: Anethum foeniculum L., Foeniculum capillaceum Gilib., Foeniculum dulce Mill., Foeniculum foeniculum (L.) Karst., Foeniculum officinale All., Foeniculum panmoricum DC., Foeniculum piperitum (Ucria) C. Presl., Foeniculum vulgare Gaertn., Meum foeniculum Spreng.
Login to view pricesFennel Foeniculum vulgare Seeds in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
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Fenugreek Seed Trigonella-Foenum in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Fenugreek (Trigonella-Foenum Graecum) is known as one of the traditional and most promising medicinal herbs belongs to the leguminous family. Historically, this plant has been widely used for more than 2500 years due to its food and medicinal properties as an herbal remedy [1]. Basically, it is reported to be native to West Africa and now extensively cultivated in Asia and Latin America as well. The seeds and leaves of this plant are extensively employed in medicinal purposes as an anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammation, anti-cancer and antioxidant agent. Moreover, the seeds of fenugreek have also been reported to have strong free radical scavenging activity
Login to view pricesFenugreek Seed Trigonella-Foenum in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
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German Chamomile Blue Matricaria Chamomilla Flower Powder in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: German Chamomile
Latin name: Matricaria recutita L..
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Other names: Engl.: German chamomile, scented mayweed, chamomile, false chamomile, German tea chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, sweet chamomile. Deu.: Echte Kamille, Kamille, Frauenblume, Johannisköpfchen, Mägdeblume, Ramerian. Suom.: kamomillasaunio. Sven.: kamomill, sötblomster, äkta kamomill. Fran.: camomille. Bot. syn.: Chamomilla officinalis Koch, Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert, Chrysanthemum chamomilla Bernh., Matricaria chamomilla auct..
This plant was formerly classified as Matricaria chamomilla L.
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German Chamomile Blue Matricaria chamomilla Flowers in Carton Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: German Chamomile
Latin name: Matricaria recutita L..
Family: Asteraceae (Compositae)
Other names: Engl.: German chamomile, scented mayweed, chamomile, false chamomile, German tea chamomile, Hungarian chamomile, sweet chamomile. Deu.: Echte Kamille, Kamille, Frauenblume, Johannisköpfchen, Mägdeblume, Ramerian. Suom.: kamomillasaunio. Sven.: kamomill, sötblomster, äkta kamomill. Fran.: camomille. Bot. syn.: Chamomilla officinalis Koch, Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert, Chrysanthemum chamomilla Bernh., Matricaria chamomilla auct..
This plant was formerly classified as Matricaria chamomilla L.
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Hibiscus sabdariffa Flowers Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
A tea made from hibiscus flowers is known by many names around the world and is served both hot and cold. The beverage is known for its red colour, tart flavour, and vitamin C content.
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Lemongrass Cymbopogon dried herb in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Lemongrass is a plant. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine. Lemongrass is commonly taken orally, applied directly to the skin, or inhaled as aromatherapy for many different conditions. But there is limited scientific research to support any of its common uses.
In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring. For example, lemongrass leaves are commonly used as “lemon” flavoring in herbal teas. In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in deodorants, soaps, and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral.
Login to view pricesLemongrass Cymbopogon dried herb in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
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Licorice roots Powder in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Licorice root, which is considered one of the world’s oldest herbal remedies, comes from the root of the licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra) . Native to Western Asia and Southern Europe, licorice has long been used to treat various ailments and flavor candies, drinks, and medicines.
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Marjoram Origanum majorana dried Leaves in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Common name: Sweet Marjoram
Latin name: Origanum majorana L.
Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Other names: Engl.: sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram, marjoram. Deu.: Majoran, Mairan, Wurstkraut. Suom.: maustemeirami, meirami. Sven.: mejram, kloka gumman, myrrah, origano, sluga gubbem. Fran.: marjolaine. Port.: manjerona. Span.: mejorana. Bot. syn.: Majorana hortensis Moench, Majorana majorana (L.) Karst., Origanum majoranoides Willd.
It was formerly classified as Majorana hortensis Moench.
Interesting to note that the Tunisians call their Marjoram Khezama, which is Arabic for Lavender
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Molokhia Egyptian Spinach Corchorus olitorius dried Leaves and Powder in bulk packaging
Molokhia or Mulukhiya, commonly known as Egyptian Spinach, Mallow, Nalta Jute, or Tossa Jute is an annual herb native to ancient Egypt. It’s leaves are used and prepared as a vegetable and it is a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern, East African, and North African cuisine.
Sometimes referred to as Middle East’s super-green, Molokhia is packed full of vitamins and minerals. It’s rich in fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and selenium, as well as vitamins C, E, K, A, B6, and niacin.
Molokhia has dark green leaves, green and red stems, vibrant yellow flowers, and seedpods that somewhat resemble okra. Plant Molokhia in the Spring and enjoy harvesting it all Summer long. The average height is 2 ft but Molokhia can grow as high as 10 ft in just one growing season. That’s a lot of fresh Molokhia!
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Moringa oleifera Dried Leaves and Powder in bulk packaging shipped in 20″ FCL container
Moringa oleifera, native to India, grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is commonly known as ‘drumstick tree’ or ‘horseradish tree’. Moringa can withstand both severe drought and mild frost conditions and hence widely cultivated across the world. With its high nutritive values, every part of the tree is suitable for either nutritional or commercial purposes. The leaves are rich in minerals, vitamins and other essential phytochemicals. Extracts from the leaves are used to treat malnutrition, augment breast milk in lactating mothers. It is used as potential antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antimicrobial agent. M. oleifera seed, a natural coagulant is extensively used in water treatment. The scientific effort of this research provides insights on the use of moringa as a cure for diabetes and cancer and fortification of moringa in commercial products. This review explores the use of moringa across disciplines for its medicinal value and deals with cultivation, nutrition, commercial and prominent pharmacological aproperties of this “Miracle Tree”.
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Okra Abelmoschus esculentus dried in bulk packaging
Okra is known by different names in many parts of the world – ladies’ fingers in England, gumbo in the United States, guino-gombo in Spain, guibeiro in Portugal, and bhindi in India.
Okra has high nutrition content and is an economic crop grown in tropical and subtropical areas. This perennial vegetable is resistant to extreme heat and drought conditions but susceptible to frosts, which can damage the pods. It is a popular vegetable consumed all around the world. The various plant parts of this tropical vegetable, namely, the fresh leaves, flowers, stems, buds, pods, and seeds, have an array of uses.
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Parsley Petroselinum crispum Dried Leaves in Bulk packaging Shipped in 20″ FCL Container
Common name: Parsley
Latin name: Petroselinum crispum (Mill.)
Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Other names: Engl.: garden parsley, parsley, common parsley, curled parsley, moss curled parsley. Deu.: Petersilie, Suppenwurzel. Suom.: persilja. Sven.: persilja, bladpersilja, kruspersilja, rotpersilja, slätbladig persilja. Bot. syn.: Apium petroselinum L., Carum petroselinum Benth. & Hook. f., Petroselinum hortense auct., Petroselinum sativum Hoffm., Petroselinum tuberosum Bernh. ex Rchb., Petroselinum vulgare Lagasca.
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