• Coriander Coriandrum sativum Essential Oil (Seed & Herb)


    Common name: Coriander.

    Latin name: Coriandrum sativum L.

    Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

    Other names: Arab: kuzbara, kuzbura; Armenian:chamem; Chinese: yuan sui, hu sui; Czech: koriandr; Danish: koriander; Dutch: koriander; English: coriander, collender, chinese parsley; Ethiopian: (Amharic) dembilal; French: coriandre, persil arabe; Georgian (Caucasus): kinza, kindza, kindz; German: Koriander, Wanzendill, Schwindelkorn; Greek: koriannon, korion; Hindi: dhania, dhanya; Hungarian: coriander; Italian: coriandolo; Japanese: koendoro; Malay: ketumbar; Persian: geshnes; Polish: kolendra; Portugese: coentro; Rumanian: coriándru; Russian: koriandr, koljandra, kišnec, kinza, vonjučee zel’e, klopovnik; Sanskrit: dhanayaka, kusthumbari; Serbokroatian: korijander; Spanish: coriandro, cilantro, cilandrio, culantro; Swiss: Chrapfechِörnli, Böِbberli, Rügelikümmi; Turkish: kişniş

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  • Caraway Seeds Carum carvi Essential Oil


    Common name: Caraway

    Latin name: Carum carvi L.

    Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

    Other names: Engl.: caraway, annual caraway, caraway seed. Deu.: Kümmel, Gemeiner Kümmel, Wiesen-Kümmel. Suom.: kumina. Sven.: kummin. Fran.: anis des vosges, carvi, cumin des prés

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  • Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Essential Oil


    Common name: Rosemary.

    Latin name: Rosmarinus officinalis L.

    Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

    Other names: Engl.: rosemary, dew of the sea. Deu.: Rosmarin. Suom.: rosmariini. Sven.: rosmarin. Fran.: romarin. Pharm.: folia anthos, folia roris marini

    Rosmarinus officinalis L. var. genuina Turrill. Occuring in most Mediterranean countries, the Canary Islands, the Azores, and Madeira.

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  • Petitgrain bigarade Citrus aurantium Essential Oil


    Common name: Bitter Orange

    Latin name: Citrus aurantium   L.

    Family: Rutaceae.

    Other names: Engl.: bitter orange, sour orange, bigarade, bigarade orange, Seville orange. Deu.: Bitterorange, Bittere Orange, Pomeranze. Suom.: pomeranssi, hapanappelsiini. Sven.: pomerans. Fran.: bigarade, bigardier, oranger amer. Span.: naranja agria, naranja amarga. Pharm.: aurantii amari cortex, aurantii flores , folia aurantii, fructus aurantii, oil of neroli, oil of petit-grain, oleum neroli. Bot. syn.: Citrus amara Link, Citrus aurantium L. var. amara L., Citrus bigaradia Duhamel, Citrus bigarradia Loisel., Citrus vulgaris Risso.

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  • Dill Herb Anethum graveolens Essential Oil


    Common name: Dill

    Latin name: Anethum graveolens L.

    Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

    Other names: Engl.: dill. Deu.: Dill, Gurkenkraut. Suom.: tilli. Sven.: dill. Fran.: aneth, faux anis, fenouil bâtard. Bot. syn.: Anethum sowa Roxb. ex Flem., Peucedanum graveolens (L.) Benth. & Hook. f., Peucedanum graveolens Hiern., Peucedanum sowa Roxb. ex Flem..


    Dill is a hapaxanthic annual herb very similar in appearance and structure to fennel, that reaches a height of 3 to 4 ft (0.9 – 1.2 m) at maturity. It has finely cut ferny leaves that appear quite feathery, and small, yellowish-green flowers are borne in umbels. The plant usually consists of a single stalk, with hollow stems and blue-green foliage.

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  • Celery Seed Apium graveolens Essential Oil


    Common name: Celery

    Latin name: Apium graveolens L

    Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)

    Other names: Arabic: Karfas, Karafs; Czech: Celer; German: Sellerie, Eppich; English: Celeriac; French: Céleri ; Spanish: Apio; Swedish: Selleri


    Apium graveolens L, the common celery, is a hapaxanthic herb, grown as a biennial and, unde  certain conditions, as an annual.

    From the beet-like tap-root (the uppermost part being a shoot) with its fibrous sideroots rises an aerial stem, 2 to 3 ft. high, branched and leafy, which bears compound umbels of small white flowers. The small fruit (or seed, as it is called commercially) consists of an ovate, dark brown cremocarp.

    Possessing a characteristic, agreeable odor and a warm, aromatic, somewhat pungent taste, it is employed as condiment in the flavoring of food products. The seed also serves as birds’ food. The volatile or essential oil distilled from celery seed is used extensively for flavoring purposes.

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  • Marjoram Origanum majorana Essential Oil


    Common name: Sweet Marjoram

    Latin name: Origanum majorana L.

    Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)

    Other names: Engl.: sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram, marjoram. Deu.: Majoran, Mairan, Wurstkraut. Suom.: maustemeirami, meirami. Sven.: mejram, kloka gumman, myrrah, origano, sluga gubbem. Fran.: marjolaine. Port.: manjerona. Span.: mejorana. Bot. syn.: Majorana hortensis Moench, Majorana majorana (L.) Karst., Origanum majoranoides Willd.

    It was formerly classified as Majorana hortensis Moench.

    Interesting to note that the Tunisians call their Marjoram Khezama, which is Arabic for Lavender

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  • Jojoba Seed Simmondsia chinensis Oil Organic & Conventional


    What is Jojoba oil?

    Jojoba is a shrub that is grows in dry regions. Jojoba oil and wax are produced from the seeds and used for medicine.
    Jojoba is applied directly to the skin for acne, psoriasis, sunburn, and chapped skin. It is also used topically to encourage the regrowth of hair in people who are balding.
    In manufacturing, jojoba is used as an ingredient in shampoo; lipstick; makeup; cleansing products; and in face, hand, and body lotions.
    Jojoba, when applied to the skin, is an emollient, which soothes skin and unclogs hair follicles. There is an interest in using jojoba for balding because some people think that unclogged hair follicles are more likely to produce new hair.

    Why our Jojoba Oil is Super Quality?

    1. We select the seeds very carefully and do all tests required to guarantee the best quality oil
    2. We produce the oil with Cold press method which keeps all active ingredients safe without any damage
    3. We stock the production in very good conditions away from air and light that keep the oil safe and not affected
    4. We have all quality certificates like ISO, GMP, ORGANIC CERES, KOSHER, HALAL,…etc..
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  • Fenugreek Seed Trigonella-Foenum Oil Organic & Conventional


    What is Fenugreek Seed oil?

    Fenugreek (Trigonella-Foenum Graecum) is known as one of the traditional and most promising medicinal herbs belongs to the leguminous family. Historically, this plant has been widely used for more than 2500 years due to its food and medicinal properties as an herbal remedy [1]. Basically, it is reported to be native to West Africa and now extensively cultivated in Asia and Latin America as well. The seeds and leaves of this plant are extensively employed in medicinal purposes as an anti-diabetic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammation, anti-cancer and antioxidant agent. Moreover, the seeds of fenugreek have also been reported to have strong free radical scavenging activity

    Why our Fenugreek seed Oil is Super Quality?

    1. We select the seeds very carefully and do all tests required to guarantee the best quality oil
    2. We produce the oil with Cold press method which keeps all active ingredients safe without any damage
    3. We stock the production in very good conditions away from air and light that keep the oil safe and not affected
    4. We have all quality certificates like ISO, GMP, ORGANIC CERES, KOSHER, HALAL,…etc..
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  • Wheat Germ Triticum vulgare Oil Organic & Conventional


    What is Wheat Germ oil?

    Wheat germ is part of a wheat kernel and is responsible for helping the plant reproduce and spawn new wheat. Although it’s removed from most processed wheat products, it is a major nutritional component of whole grain wheat.
    Wheat germ, along with the husk, is removed from refined wheat products — like those that use white flour — so that they can be stored for longer.
    Wheat germ is added to some granolas, cereals, and cornbread, and it’s also available raw. It is a popular topping for fruit pies, yogurt, ice cream, and hot or cold cereal. It can be a healthier alternative to breadcrumbs in meatballs, meatloaf, and breading for meats.
    Wheat germ is also available in liquid and gelcap form. It can be used as a food additive or as a nutritional supplement.

    Why our Wheat germ Oil is Super Quality?

    1. We select the seeds very carefully and do all tests required to guarantee the best quality oil
    2. We produce the oil with Cold press method which keeps all active ingredients safe without any damage
    3. We stock the production in very good conditions away from air and light that keep the oil safe and not affected
    4. We have all quality certificates like ISO, GMP, ORGANIC CERES, KOSHER, HALAL,…etc..
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  • Violet Viola odorata Absolute Oil


    Common name: VIOLET

    Latin name: Viola odorata L.

    Family: Violaceae

    Other names: Engl.: sweet violet, blue violet, English violet, garden violet, purple violet, sweet-scented violet, violet. Deu.: Mنrzveilchen, Wohlriechendes Veilchen, Veilchen. Suom.: tuoksuorvokki. Sven.: doftviol, luktviol. Fran.: violette.

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  • Argan Oil Argania spinosa Organic


    What is Argan oil?

    Argan oil is made from the kernels that grow on the argan trees native to Morocco. It’s most frequently sold as pure oil, which can be directly applied topically (directly to the skin) or ingested in order to provide several health benefits. It comes in supplement capsule form to be taken by mouth. It’s also commonly mixed into a number of cosmetic products like shampoos, soaps, and conditioners.
    Argan oil has traditionally been used both topically and orally to improve the health of skin, hair, and nails. It contains a number of different beneficial properties and vitamins that form a powerful combination to boost skin health.
    Argan oil has been a culinary staple in Morocco for centuries — not only because of its subtle, nutty flavor but also its wide array of potential health benefits. This naturally occurring plant oil is derived from the kernels of the fruit of the argan tree.
    Although native to Morocco, argan oil is now used across the globe for a variety of culinary, cosmetic and medicinal applications.

    Why our Argan Oil is Super Quality?

    1. We select the kernels very carefully and do all tests required to guarantee the best quality oil
    2. We produce the oil with Cold press method which keeps all active ingredients safe without any damage
    3. We stock the production in very good conditions away from air and light that keep the oil safe and not affected
    4. We have all quality certificates like ISO, GMP, ORGANIC CERES, KOSHER, HALAL,…etc..
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